The use of plants at Clos Monicord
Phytotherapy in the vineyard
Very often, a good herbal tea of thyme strengthens our immune system and frequently treating minor daily ailments with herbal medicine can bring better health. Various plants such as garlic, nettle, horsetail, weeping willow, valerian and sage are used to accompany the Clos Monicord vine to defend vines against pests and fungi.
Throughout the year, Joep prepares some of these plants that grow in Monicord in the form of decoction, manure, herbal tea and infusion. Each has specific virtues.
These plant extracts stimulate the vine, it is in technical language what we call PNPP (Natural Preparations of Little Concern).
This reduces the use of phytosanitary products. Pesticides or herbicides, insecticides and fungicides are chemical substances intended to destroy the development of diseases and crop pests. Two types of elements constitute the active ingredients which give the product the “poison” effect and the adjuvants which reinforce the effectiveness of the product and facilitate its use.
As the Clos Monicord is an ecosystem made up of natural elements linked to each other between the soil, the climate, the microorganisms, the animals, the cultivated plants and the wild ones, the applications of these preparations are preventive.
Clos Monicord plant preparations
It is on the property that Joep harvests the plants that will be used to strengthen the immune system of his vine. To do without pesticides, he observes his vines, identifies the cause of any problems, anticipates them and implements preventive methods adapted to each situation. This contribution by phytotherapy of microorganisms enriches the vine, strengthens the plan and promotes its photosynthesis. According to the dosage and the properties of the plant, some fight against cryptogamic diseases while others are acaricide. For this, the Dutch winemaker uses plant extracts by preparing them either by:
- in “purins” which are fermented extracts macerating for about two weeks with fermentation and the appearance of a rather nauseating odor;
- either in macerations, infusions and decoctions which are then applied within 3 days of their preparation.
There is nothing magical about these preparations. For them to be effective, their mixture must be careful and once the diffusion has been applied, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the plants and the pests targeted. At Clos Monicord, the following 6 plants are mainly used.
The field horsetail a vine bud shield
Equisetum Arvense
It is called a fox tail, it is beautiful and very soft to the touch. It is in decoction that it is used at Clos Monicord, for its anti-fungal properties, because it stimulates the immune system of the vineyard against cryptogamic diseases such as mildew which can cause a lot of damage. The leaves end up spotted with very ugly blemishes that look like oil stains. This prevents the vine from following its vegetative cycle correctly to carry out a quality harvest.
Fortunately, the use of horsetail with its very high concentration of silica blocks the development of mildew.
It is when the buds begin to emerge that Joep sprays this decoction of horsetail on the rows of vines to fortify them and thus protect the vineyard against any attack of mildew which will not be able to reach his harvest.
In winter, field horsetail, once fermented and mixed with clay and sodium silicate, serves as a protective whitewash on pruning wounds in the vine. This activates the healing of pruning wounds and no disease can develop in the vine stock.
Fortunately, the use of horsetail with its very high concentration of silica blocks the development of mildew.
It is when the buds begin to emerge that Joep sprays this decoction of horsetail on the rows of vines to fortify them and thus protect the vineyard against any attack of mildew which will not be able to reach his harvest.
In winter, field horsetail, once fermented and mixed with clay and sodium silicate, serves as a protective whitewash on pruning wounds in the vine. This activates the healing of pruning wounds and no disease can develop in the vine stock.
Fortifying nettle from Clos Monicord
Urtica Dioica
Who never had a sting of urtica dioica? Nettle! All of us, once in our life, have been confronted to this!
If you have never eaten it in soup or pesto you should try it!
This plant is a concentrate of vitamins. It is rich in nitrogen, potassium and iron.
In the vineyard, the nettle manure recipe is essential. It is a growth accelerator for young plants in the spring but also a real fortifier for the whole vineyard.
It is throughout the year that Joep distributes nettle preparations. Either in liquid manure to increase the resistance of the plant, or in herbal tea when the Monicord vineyard is under attack. He carefully monitors the application of liquid manure because it can lead to a hot and humid climate which would favor the development of mildew, so our Dutch winegrower is vigilant!
Garlic against grape worm
Allium Sativum
Garlic is known for its use against vampires but in organic viticulture garlic is known for its insect repellent power against grape worms. The famous Lepidoptera of the tortrix family called eudémis or Lobesia Botrana is a grape worm that causes a lot of damage in vineyards. This insect loves to lay its eggs in grapes. This little gray butterfly gives a hard time to all winegrowers, Joep uses garlic maceration because it contains large quantities of allicin which gives it an insect repellent power. In addition, it is a biostimulant rich in active ingredients and trace elements, and garlic decoction creates unfavourable conditions for the development of diseases and the appearance of pests.
The use of garlic is increasingly being approved to significantly reduce the use of copper and sulfur during treatments.
The regenerating weeping willow of the vine
At Monicord, young shoots and stems of weeping willows are harvested because they are rich in salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is the main compound of aspirin. It is a natural anti-inflammatory, and if you have a toothache chew a young willow sprout you will see its benefits.
During the preparation of this herbal tea, Joep makes sure that it does not boil, to recover all the virtues of this infusion which fights against cryptogamic diseases of the vine.
The infusion of willow bark has a beneficial effect on the vine, it reduces the effects of sporulation of powdery mildew and mildew. Thus the natural immune system of the vine is accelerated which allows the vine to regenerate.
Valerian the relaxant of the vine
When you rub this plant between your fingers, it gives off a warm smell that soothes the mind. Known to be an anti-stress plant, this preparation has the reputation of helping to capture and then restore heat with its concentration of phosphorus, it is used as a spray directly on the vine.
It is the evening before an announced frost that it is sprayed. But also during the season it can be associated with horn silica to regulate and reduce the stress linked to temperature variations. The vine is enveloped in a comforting balm to fight against the cold. Valerian is also very interesting when a hailstorm occurs.
Sage effective against insects
Salvia Officinali
The name in Latin evokes the medicinal properties ''salvare'' which means to save and heal.
After preparing and filtering his sage manure, Joep dilutes it to apply it to his vines. Sage manure is both an effective insect repellent and fungicide. It is adopted to fight against downy mildew in the vine by reinforcing the properties of other plants such as horsetail and nettle.
Sage also has the particularity of slowing down the growth of plants. Its use requires know-how and meteorological anticipation in order to control the vineyard as a whole.
It is through campaigns, readings and contacts with other winegrowers that Joep gained his own experience in the field on the vines of Clos Monicord. His approach is not scientific. The use of herbal teas and decoctions on this area can reduce the doses of copper and sulfur. Monicord's objective is to use only herbal teas and decoctions of plants in addition to certain essential oils. Each year new plants are tested and their results on the vine are rigorously observed. Even if the years go by, the vintages are not alike, Joep always has to be reactive to prepare the miracle treatment recipe.
At Monicord, biodiversity and respect for the environment are at the heart of everyday life. As small winegrowers and producers, the plots of vines benefit from precious attention to offer a wine that finds this quintessence in the mouth.
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